Interview with Paata Zakareishvili on Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict & Negotiations
In an interview hosted by JAM NEWS, Badri Belkaniya and conflictologist Paata Zakareishvili present an exhaustive account of the Georgian-Abkhazian negotiations.
In an interview hosted by JAM NEWS, Badri Belkaniya and conflictologist Paata Zakareishvili present an exhaustive account of the Georgian-Abkhazian negotiations. This dialogue encompasses crucial elements of the prolonged process, such as the lost opportunity to prevent conflict, the trips to Tbilisi made by Abkhazia's former president Vladislav Ardzinba and ex-prime minister Sergey Shamba, as well as the visit of Georgian representatives to Sukhum.
+ See the interview on AbkhazWorld
See also:
+ Vladislav Ardzinba's visit to Tbilisi on 14 August 1997+ 'The Key to the Future' plan and Sergey Shamba's visit to Tbilisi in 2006
+ Minorities and Diasporas in Turkey: Public Images and Issues in Education
Sapienza University of Rome, 2023+ La cote d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase - 1903), by Edouard-Alfred Martel
Librairie Ch. Delagrave, Paris, 1908
OrienteMedio: Abjasia. Una mirada a la historia, cultura y sociedad abjasas
Esta entrevista fue publicada por primera vez por el portal de noticias chileno en línea Oriente Medio y fue realizada por Manuel Ferez Gil. (This interview was first published by Chilean Online News Portal Oriente Medio and is conducted by Manuel Ferez Gil.)
En esta ocasión entrevistamos a Metin Kodzoko, fundador y administrador del proyecto Abkhaz World ( quien nos habló de la historia, cultura y sociedad de Abjasia así como los procesos violentos de anexión al imperio ruso, expulsiones y genocidios perpetrados por los rusos contra la nación abjasa y su compleja relación con Georgia.