25 April: Circassian Flag Day
April 25 is Circassian Flag Day, representing Adyghea and all Circassians' cultural unity.
Samir Khotqo: "The creation of the Circassian flag is connected to the pan-Circassian mission of Safer-bey Zaneqo"
Today, 25 April, marks Circassian Flag Day. The elegant and aesthetically pleasing Circassian (Cherkess) flag serves not only as the national symbol of the Republic of Adyghea but also as the emblem for all Circassians, signifying their transnational spiritual and cultural unity.
Circassian Flag Day is to be numbered among the truly national celebrations, featuring horseback-processions, car-rallies, dzhegu (Circassian dance-gathering – ed.), and online flash-mobs. However, our understanding of the Circassian flag actually remains somewhat limited. Each year, the online sphere is inundated with quotes from the Englishman Edmund Spencer's book, "Travels in Circassia", describing the flag's first appearance in Circassia, as well as multiple interpretations of the Circassian flag's symbols – the 12 stars and the three crossed arrows.
Naima Neflyasheva had a conversation with historian Samir Khotqo, Doctor of Historical Sciences and leading research fellow at ARIGI, about the real creator of the Circassian flag, the heraldic origins of its symbols, and the mission of Prince Sefer Bey Zaneqo [Circassian: Занэкъо Сэфэрбий - ed.] in the Ottoman Empire.
This interview was first published by Kavkaz Uzel on 25 April 2021 and is translated from Russian.
Happy Circassian Flag Day!
Адыгэ ныпым и махуэмкӀэ сынывохъуэхъу!
Тхьэм Адыгэ лъэпкъым узыншагъэрэ гуфӀэгъуэрэ къыдит. Ди Ныпым и жьауэм дыщӀэту ди Хэку дышыпсэуныр Тхьэм насып тхуищӀ!